Australian Mist

Home > Cat Breeds > Australian Mist


Life span

16 Years


Australian Mist Overview

Australian Mist was originally developed to be indoor cats. This cat breed makes a wonderful addition to any family with young children. This cat breed is known for being very busy and demanding to be involved in the majority of things their owners are doing. They love to impress and keep themselves busy.

The Australian Mist is a medium-sized cat breed with a short-haired coat, large eyes and round head. As their coat is very short they lack little undercoat. 

The life expectancy of an Australian Mists is 15-18 years.


Thinking of buying or adopting a Australian Mist?

History & Origin

The Australian Mist was first developed in the 1970s in Australia by crossing a domestic shorthaired with a Burmese and Abyssinian. The breeders involved were looking for a cat with a spotted coat and because of this, they initially called this cat the "Spoppted Mist".

Australian Mist Temperament

This cat breed is generally tolerant of handling and hardly ever scratches; unless they’re provoked to do so. Some Australian Mist can actually be trained to go outdoors and be on a lead, as long as they’re spayed and natured. They normally fit in well with other pets within the household and are generally well-behaved and easy-going.


This cat breed requires minimal grooming because they lose very little hair. Their coat comes in 3 different patterns which are: the base colour, which is paler than the pattern of the coat; the pattern and the appearance of random ticking found in areas of solid colour. Their face and neck also have lines of colour.


The Australian mist is relatively healthy and is known for very few genetic health issues. As with all pets, they should be fed a healthy and varied diet combined with plenty of exercise and regular check-ups at the vets.