15 Years
11 Kg
Hound Dogs
Cheerful, Gentle, Intelligent
The Beagle is a small size pack hound that originated in England. It was originally bred to hunt hare and was easy enough to follow by foot hunters. It has a sturdy built with an alert temperament. It has a slightly domed skull with a well-defined stop with well-flewed lips. It has a black nose, dark brown or hazel eyes with long, leather ears that extends to the end of the nose when drawn forward, set hanging close to cheeks. The teeth form regular and complete scissor bite. It has a straight and level topline ending in a moderately long tail that is set high and carried happily and curled over the back. All feet are well knuckled with strong pads. The weatherproof coat is short and dense and comes in tri-colour, white and tan, padger pied, hare pied, lemon and white, red and white, tan and white, black and white and all white. Standard height at withers is 33 to 40 centimetres.
All dog breeds have different levels of intellect. Some dog breeds; working dogs in particular, are very independent thinkers and have been evolved to be very intelligent. Typically, a highly intelligent dog does well in obedience training and other activities. A highly intelligent dog can be very demanding and do require lots of physical and mental stimulation. If you’re looking for a relatively laid-back dog, that doesn’t require lots of mental and physical stimulation, then you must fully understand the level of intelligence of your dog breed of choice.
Before committing to a certain dog breed, you must fully understand their intellect levels and their specific levels of energy. To keep your dog well-balanced and happy, their needs must be met and maintained.
All dog breeds have different needs when it comes to the level of exercise they require. For the high energy dogs; which are your typical working dogs, they have a lot of energy and require lots of daily exercise along with plenty of mental stimulation. A highly energetic dog breed would suit an individual or family that is equally as active and loves the outdoors. There are also breeds that have relatively low exercise needs, such as toy dog breeds. Although they require daily exercise and mental stimulation, they’re just as happy chilling at home with their loved ones. This type of dog breed would suit an individual or family that prefers the peace and quiet and relaxation.
Before deciding on your chosen dog breed, Mypetzilla recommends that you research the exercise needs and whether you’re well equipped before committing to buying or adopting a particular dog breed.
There are several dog breeds that are known and potentially predisposed to developing health related conditions. Sensible breeding can help prevent the onset of health related conditions and this should always be taken into condition when researching your dog breed of choice. Before committing to a dog, you should speak to the breeder about any health related conditions that may affect the dog you’re looking to buy or adopt. You can also request to see any test results from genetic testing.
There are many dog breeds that tolerate children really well and are not affected by the constant noise and need for play-time. However, there are some dog breeds that don’t do very well with children and can become frustrated and snappy. That being said, all children should be shown how to handle and care for a dog in their home and should always be supervised when playing. As much as a dog can become annoyed and snappy with a younger child, the child can also become less tolerant and misbehaved towards the dog.
Mypetzilla recommends that you always supervise play-time between your children and dog. Children need to respect the boundaries and feeding time for the dog and likewise for the child. We also strongly advise that play-time doesn’t get out of control and too rough which can cause injury to both child and dog.
There are lots of dog breeds that are well suited to living in an apartment. It’s worthwhile noting that you need to check that you’re allowed dogs in your building before committing to bringing one home. If you do decide to own a dog and are living in an apartment, then you must make sure that they have plenty of room to roam around and frequent walks outside to prevent them from becoming bored and depressed.
Mypetzilla recommends that you check as to whether you’re allowed dogs in your apartment building and to fully ensure your apartment is dog proof before committing fully to bringing a dog home.
All dog breeds shed to some extent, some more than others. With this, all potential dog owners should be aware of this, as it will be a matter of putting up with some hair or lots of hair being left around the house. Depending on the dog breed, there are certain times during the year where some dog breeds shed the most and this is typically around spring and autumn. However, there are some dog breeds that shed all year round.
If you’re very house-proud, they you may want to choose a dog breed that sheds very little. Mypetzilla strongly recommends that you fully research your dog breed of choice and their shedding levels before committing.
All dog breeds require different levels of grooming. Some dog breeds are easier to maintain than others and only require a weekly brush to help keep their coat in good condition. There are some dog breeds that require regular trips to the grooming parlour and this can come at a huge cost. Either way, all dog breeds require their coat and nails to be maintained and cared for.
Mypetzilla strongly advices that potential owners research the grooming needs and associated costs with their desired dog breed before fully committing.
Barking is a necessity for your dog to communicate. However, it can also be a nuisance to yourself and fellow neighbours if it’s not kept under control. If you live in an apartment, then you’re better off choosing a dog breed that doesn’t bark as much. If you live further out and far from civilisation, then it’s worthwhile looking into a dog breed that does bark and will bark to alert you of any other company on your property.
Mypetzilla advices that you research the behaviours of your dog breed of choice and whether this would work for you and your family. It’s worth noting that dogs can be trained to bark less and this will take a lot of effort and training from the owner.
Majority dog breeds form very close relationships with their owners and as a result can become very stressed when left alone for a period of time. If a dog is suffering with separation anxiety then they’re very likely to become destructive around the home as a way of dealing with their anxieties. Dog breeds that do form strong bonds with their owners are better accustomed to a household where one member of the family remains home, whilst the others are out, this is to help avoid further anxieties and destructive behaviours.
Mypetzilla recommends that all potential owners research their dog breed of choice on their bonding abilities and how well-adjusted they are to being left alone at home. It’s also worth noting that you should never leave your dog for longer than 4 hours alone at home.
There are certain dogs breeds that have very high intellect and therefore easier to train than other dog breeds. There is also a downside to this; as fast as they learn the new trick or command, they can easily pick up bad habits just as quick. Other dog breeds that don’t rank as high on the intellect scale require patience and plenty of reward treats from their owners during training.
Before committing to a certain dog breed, Mypetzilla advices you to fully research your dog breed of choice and their level of training needs.
All dog breeds have different energy levels. The working dog breed has one of the highest energy levels in comparison to the low-energy dog’s breeds such as the Toy dog breed group. To keep a dog truly happy, healthy and well-balanced, their energy levels must be met.
High-energy dog breeds need lots of exercise and mental stimulation. High energy dog breeds would suit an active family or person. Dog breeds that are considered as low-energy, love to spend the majority of their time relaxing and sleeping in their favourite, comfy spot. A low-energy dog breed would suit an individual that equally loves the quiet life and relaxing lifestyle. Of course, low-energy dogs still need their daily walks and mental stimulation, just not as much as a high-energy dog breed.
Mypetzilla recommends that potential owner research fully on the type of dog breed that would suit their existing lifestyle and to also take into consideration the dog breeds energy levels and exercise requirements.
Before you decide on what dog breed would be suitable for you and your family, you must consider whether they’re a friendly dog breed and if you already have other pets within the household. For homes that already have dogs and other domestic pets, then it’s wise to choose a dog breed that has a friendly personality and temperament.
There are some dog breeds that mix well with other dog breeds and there are others that don’t suit one another and this could potentially cause issues later on down the line.
Another important point to consider is whether the dog breed of choice is friendly towards people and children.
Mypetzilla recommends to research fully on the right dog breed for your family and to also consider their temperament and characteristics.
There were dogs in the 5th century BC in ancient Greece that were similar in size and abilities to the modern Beagle. These dogs were used to hunt hares by following their scent. In England, it is thought that beagle-type dogs were already present as early as 1016. Around the same century, King William I is said to have brought the Talbot hound with him to England. At some point, the Talbot hound offsprings were bred with Greyhounds to produce dogs with an extra turn of speed. It is from these litters that probably gave rise to the Southern Hound which is thought to be the ancestor of the Beagle. However, the development of the modern Beagle we know today came from the labours of Rev. Phillip Honeywood in the 1830s who kept a pack of pure white Beagles. Thomas Johnson refined the breed further and produced litters that were both good-looking and excellent hunters. Several decades passed and the first standard for the Beagle was drawn in the 1890s.
This breed is very loving, gentle and sweet natured. While it is typecasted as a howler, it usually only barks when it sees strangers or smells unfamiliar scent. It will, however, let out a howling bark if it is left alone for long periods of time. Because it is used to working with other dogs in the past, the Beagle most enjoy being with all the members of the family and does not tolerate being alone very much.
Beagles are known to have minds of their own. They are determined, persistent and require patient training from their owners.
The Beagle is an independent dog and is known to have a mind of its own. Like other hound dogs, It is determined, persistent and requires patient training from a firm but gentle owner. A Beagle that does not get the proper training and is allowed to become a pack leader will develop destructive habits, including obsessive barking, snapping and sometimes biting.
It is important that this breed knows who's boss and that they receive the right amount of mental and physical exercise, including daily pack walks. Giving the Beagle enough exercise will help to keep them calm. Beagles that do not get the right training, and are allowed to naturally become pack leaders, will develop destructive traits, including obsessive barking, snapping and sometimes biting. These are not Beagle traits, more behaviours brought on by the lack of training from their owners.
The Beagle is a light shedder but there are some Beagles that shed heavier during seasonal change. A Beagle also sheds its coat after a heat cycle or after giving birth mainly because of hormonal changes. When it sheds heavier than usual, frequent grooming is required to rid the body of dead loose hair. This breed does not have a noticeable “doggy” odour. Bathe only when necessary, particularly when it is left to play outdoors where it can catch smelly substances.
In general, the Beagle is a very healthy breed and can live from 12 to 15 years but there are known Beagles that lived longer especially if it is properly cared for. There are some known health issues associated with the breed but this doesn’t mean that your dog is going to have any or all of these. Prevention is the best cure but knowing the symptoms early on is the key to preventing the onset of more serious conditions. The Beagle is prone to epilepsy, hypothyroidism and obesity, particularly in older or sedentary dogs so the right amounts of exercise is important. Hip dysplasia is not common in the Beagle but it can also affect the breed. Other rare diseases which can affect the Beagle are immune mediated polygenic arthritis and neonatal cerebellar cortical degeneration. Ear infection and certain eye problems such as glaucoma, corneal dystrophy, cherry eye and distichiasis can also affect the breed.
It is important that the Beagle receive the right amount of mental and physical exercise just like any other breed of dog. It is an adaptable breed which will do well in either an apartment home, suburban house with or without a yard, or in a countryside home with large open areas, as long as it is given the proper amounts of exercise. A properly exercised dog is calm and happy. Daily outdoor exercises such as brisk walks along the block, jogging around in a dog park, hiking or running in forest trails, walking along the beach for an hour, are all ideal exercise routines
The Beagle is extremely friendly and very good with children which makes it a wonderful family pet. It is also an excellent companion to other dogs, but because of its strong prey drive, it should not be trusted with non-canine pets such as hamsters, mice, rabbits, guinea pigs and similar animals, unless it is socialised with them and to other household animals when young. It is also generally good with cats.
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