14 Years
37 Kg
Gun Dogs
Affectionate, Alert, Energetic, Intelligent, Lively, Out-Going
The Weimaraner is a large silver-grey gundog featuring an agile pointing breed with a moderately long head with a bit lighter colour than the rest of the body. It has medium-sized round eyes that are amber or blue-grey in colour that gives out a keen, kind and intelligent expression. The long, highly set ears are slightly folded while the jaw features a regular scissor bite. A moderately long neck provides ample support to a long head. The Weimaraner also has straight front legs and well muscled back legs cushioned by compact feet with close, thick pads. It has a deep chest, a level topline, and a firmly tucked-up belly. The tail is usually docked to 1.5 inches or 4 cm two days after birth. The breed has a short, fine, smooth coat that comes in all shades of gray.
All dog breeds have different levels of intellect. Some dog breeds; working dogs in particular, are very independent thinkers and have been evolved to be very intelligent. Typically, a highly intelligent dog does well in obedience training and other activities. A highly intelligent dog can be very demanding and do require lots of physical and mental stimulation. If you’re looking for a relatively laid-back dog, that doesn’t require lots of mental and physical stimulation, then you must fully understand the level of intelligence of your dog breed of choice.
Before committing to a certain dog breed, you must fully understand their intellect levels and their specific levels of energy. To keep your dog well-balanced and happy, their needs must be met and maintained.
All dog breeds have different needs when it comes to the level of exercise they require. For the high energy dogs; which are your typical working dogs, they have a lot of energy and require lots of daily exercise along with plenty of mental stimulation. A highly energetic dog breed would suit an individual or family that is equally as active and loves the outdoors. There are also breeds that have relatively low exercise needs, such as toy dog breeds. Although they require daily exercise and mental stimulation, they’re just as happy chilling at home with their loved ones. This type of dog breed would suit an individual or family that prefers the peace and quiet and relaxation.
Before deciding on your chosen dog breed, Mypetzilla recommends that you research the exercise needs and whether you’re well equipped before committing to buying or adopting a particular dog breed.
There are several dog breeds that are known and potentially predisposed to developing health related conditions. Sensible breeding can help prevent the onset of health related conditions and this should always be taken into condition when researching your dog breed of choice. Before committing to a dog, you should speak to the breeder about any health related conditions that may affect the dog you’re looking to buy or adopt. You can also request to see any test results from genetic testing.
There are many dog breeds that tolerate children really well and are not affected by the constant noise and need for play-time. However, there are some dog breeds that don’t do very well with children and can become frustrated and snappy. That being said, all children should be shown how to handle and care for a dog in their home and should always be supervised when playing. As much as a dog can become annoyed and snappy with a younger child, the child can also become less tolerant and misbehaved towards the dog.
Mypetzilla recommends that you always supervise play-time between your children and dog. Children need to respect the boundaries and feeding time for the dog and likewise for the child. We also strongly advise that play-time doesn’t get out of control and too rough which can cause injury to both child and dog.
There are lots of dog breeds that are well suited to living in an apartment. It’s worthwhile noting that you need to check that you’re allowed dogs in your building before committing to bringing one home. If you do decide to own a dog and are living in an apartment, then you must make sure that they have plenty of room to roam around and frequent walks outside to prevent them from becoming bored and depressed.
Mypetzilla recommends that you check as to whether you’re allowed dogs in your apartment building and to fully ensure your apartment is dog proof before committing fully to bringing a dog home.
All dog breeds shed to some extent, some more than others. With this, all potential dog owners should be aware of this, as it will be a matter of putting up with some hair or lots of hair being left around the house. Depending on the dog breed, there are certain times during the year where some dog breeds shed the most and this is typically around spring and autumn. However, there are some dog breeds that shed all year round.
If you’re very house-proud, they you may want to choose a dog breed that sheds very little. Mypetzilla strongly recommends that you fully research your dog breed of choice and their shedding levels before committing.
All dog breeds require different levels of grooming. Some dog breeds are easier to maintain than others and only require a weekly brush to help keep their coat in good condition. There are some dog breeds that require regular trips to the grooming parlour and this can come at a huge cost. Either way, all dog breeds require their coat and nails to be maintained and cared for.
Mypetzilla strongly advices that potential owners research the grooming needs and associated costs with their desired dog breed before fully committing.
Barking is a necessity for your dog to communicate. However, it can also be a nuisance to yourself and fellow neighbours if it’s not kept under control. If you live in an apartment, then you’re better off choosing a dog breed that doesn’t bark as much. If you live further out and far from civilisation, then it’s worthwhile looking into a dog breed that does bark and will bark to alert you of any other company on your property.
Mypetzilla advices that you research the behaviours of your dog breed of choice and whether this would work for you and your family. It’s worth noting that dogs can be trained to bark less and this will take a lot of effort and training from the owner.
Majority dog breeds form very close relationships with their owners and as a result can become very stressed when left alone for a period of time. If a dog is suffering with separation anxiety then they’re very likely to become destructive around the home as a way of dealing with their anxieties. Dog breeds that do form strong bonds with their owners are better accustomed to a household where one member of the family remains home, whilst the others are out, this is to help avoid further anxieties and destructive behaviours.
Mypetzilla recommends that all potential owners research their dog breed of choice on their bonding abilities and how well-adjusted they are to being left alone at home. It’s also worth noting that you should never leave your dog for longer than 4 hours alone at home.
There are certain dogs breeds that have very high intellect and therefore easier to train than other dog breeds. There is also a downside to this; as fast as they learn the new trick or command, they can easily pick up bad habits just as quick. Other dog breeds that don’t rank as high on the intellect scale require patience and plenty of reward treats from their owners during training.
Before committing to a certain dog breed, Mypetzilla advices you to fully research your dog breed of choice and their level of training needs.
All dog breeds have different energy levels. The working dog breed has one of the highest energy levels in comparison to the low-energy dog’s breeds such as the Toy dog breed group. To keep a dog truly happy, healthy and well-balanced, their energy levels must be met.
High-energy dog breeds need lots of exercise and mental stimulation. High energy dog breeds would suit an active family or person. Dog breeds that are considered as low-energy, love to spend the majority of their time relaxing and sleeping in their favourite, comfy spot. A low-energy dog breed would suit an individual that equally loves the quiet life and relaxing lifestyle. Of course, low-energy dogs still need their daily walks and mental stimulation, just not as much as a high-energy dog breed.
Mypetzilla recommends that potential owner research fully on the type of dog breed that would suit their existing lifestyle and to also take into consideration the dog breeds energy levels and exercise requirements.
Before you decide on what dog breed would be suitable for you and your family, you must consider whether they’re a friendly dog breed and if you already have other pets within the household. For homes that already have dogs and other domestic pets, then it’s wise to choose a dog breed that has a friendly personality and temperament.
There are some dog breeds that mix well with other dog breeds and there are others that don’t suit one another and this could potentially cause issues later on down the line.
Another important point to consider is whether the dog breed of choice is friendly towards people and children.
Mypetzilla recommends to research fully on the right dog breed for your family and to also consider their temperament and characteristics.
The Weimaraner was originally developed for bird tracking and as a pointing breed. It was named after the Grand Duke of Weimar, Charles August who has kept a passion for hunting who sponsored the effort to developed a perfect gundog that has the ability to hunt all types of game size. The Weimaraner (or Weimar pointer) has been known to exist as early as the 1600s and has remained unchanged up to the present and is believed to be a result of a mix of Continental pointing breeds, mastiffs and the bloodhound. It was developed for the nobility as a reliable gundog, hence it was highly adored and was kept in close contact with the family. As a result, the Weimaraner is a breed that needs constant human companionship and will weaken if kept outside or kennelled. An interesting point to mention is that the Weimaraner has a unique way of bringing down animals, uniquely biting the prey’s genitals to bring it down. Two famous persons helped popularize the breed, including former president Dwight D. Eisenhower who owned a Weimaraner named Heidi; the other person is art photographer William Wegman who used his two dogs dressed in human clothes as subjects of his photographs. Today, the breed has a dedicated following and responsible breeders made sure that only the purest of the breed are allowed to continue their lines.
Typically, the Weimaraner is a high-strung breed which can get excited quite easily. It is a very courageous breed with a strong prey drive and can easily kill small animals and will not hesitate to attack even a deer or sheep that gets within its territory. It is quick to learn new things but can be otherwise resistant to repetitive training. The Weimaraner gets bored very easily which may tend to develop destructive behaviours such as chewing if left alone for long periods of time. It is typically reserved with strangers and can be dog-aggressive and territorial. This breed likes to bark which makes it a good watchdog, but at the same time can be quite annoying with the neighbours.
Training needs to be consistent, patient and varied as the Weimaraner gets bored easily and tends to be boisterous during the first several months of its life. It needs constant companionship, especially from its human family. A strong instinctive prey drive makes it rather less sociable with other animals in the house, especially small pets such as cats, rabbits and hamsters. However, early socialization with these animals will prevent the breed from attacking them when it grows into an adult.
Grooming is straightforward; brushing the coat with a firm bristle brush will do.
The Weimaraner has an average lifespan of 10 to 12 years. As a deep-chested dog, it is prone to gastric torsion or bloating. Similar to large breeds, hip dysplasia also poses a concern among breed owners. Other health concerns include:
Progressive retinal atrophy – a genetic disease of the retina which culminates into blindness.
A diet high in animal fat particularly from lamb or poultry is crucial for this breed. Grain sources should come from wheat and barley.
This powerful breed requires extensive exercises. Long walks, running, mentally and physically challenging games or vigorous activities are ideal enjoyment for the Weimaraner. This breed will do fine in an apartment if exercised properly. It is relatively inactive indoors while a house with a large yard is the most suitable living quarters for this breed.
This strong hunting instinct makes it quite unsuitable to live with other dogs and small animals, although with good training and early socialization, these instincts can be curtailed to some effort. It is generally good with children, but care must be taken around young children as the breed’s energetic attitude can quickly overcome a small child.
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