Dogs suffer from arthritis in the same way as humans and the condition is cause by a change in the cartilage in the join…
As Christmas is just over a week away, you may have considered buying your dog something special for the big day and a d…
Here at Mypetzilla headquarters Bilbo and Aston have been working very hard on researching and sourcing Christmas presen…
A puppy can be an exciting addition to the family, but before making the decision of buying a puppy you need to ensure t…
Hypertrophic Osteodystrophy is a bone disease of the front limbs which affect young, fast growing, large breed of dogs.
Pet owners can have astonishingly high bonding levels with their pets.
Grooming is an important part of every pet’s life and it certainly should be handled with care.
dog warden called Gavin Jarrett, was recently interviewed about the ending of this grace period.
Puppy instincts are always to investigate the new surrounding and by touching, chewing and tasting new objects around th…
If you have recently bought a new dog you may be wondering if you can take the little furry fella with you on holiday. A…
So this is not as simple as you might think, below you will find some great advice and some very important information…
As a pet owner you need to be aware that some pets can get very scared and and distressed, and sometimes its can even r…
Dog owners in England will need to microchip their pets from April 2016 as plans are afoot to reduce the rise in stray n…
We all know dogs love running around and playing in the snow, we can spend hours chasing them to come back because it’s …
April is National Pet Month, and many UK families will be thinking of adding a four-legged member to the household. Whil…
As years go by, your dog can show different kinds of worrisome behaviour, which may or may not be related to cancer.
While it might not feel like it here in the UK just yet, summer is well upon us. And while you and I may relish the thou…
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